Travel Weekly

Travel Weekly



Travel Weekly is the industry’s trusted media platform with brand presence in the U.S., China and Asia. Travel advisors, tour operators, hoteliers and executives of cruise, aviation, tech and car rental companies turn to Travel Weekly for news, research, commentary, analysis and product reviews, online and in print. Face-to-face events, digital platforms, a portfolio of e-Newsletters, educational programs and an expansive social media provide additional service to our audiences. Travel Weekly is part of Northstar Travel Group, the leading provider of business-to-business news, information, data, transactions and custom content solutions for the travel, meetings and hospitality industries. Among its brands are Phocuswright, TravelAge West, Business Travel News, Travel Procurement, Meetings & Conventions, M&C China, Successful Meetings, Meeting News, Incentive, Family Getaways, Explorer, Web in Travel, Inntopia, Travel Weekly's Hotel & Travel Index, Official Cruise Guide, Meetings Facilities Search, Phocuswright Research, The Beat, travel42, STAR Service Online, Intelliguide Corporate and AudienceInsights.
Contact Person
Anthony Carnevale
+1 201 902-1976

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